Hello guise!! 

Words cannot explain how much this blog means to me. It is one of my thoughts’ outlets. I started a blog originally for a personal diary of thoughts. No filters and everything. In fact, I did not even expect people to notice but then there you guys are! It makes me really happy to see that people actually read my posts.

Of course, the dream of becoming one of the famous bloggers were in mind but I know I am far from that. I simply want to talk away. Almost without thinking of what I’m writing. Kind of like just having a conversation with myself. When I saw you guise comment on my stuff, it really makes my day. It’s like realizing I’m not really too much of a loser as I thought I was. Haha. 

I know. My post are very very casual. Like texting almost. And this is how I want it to be. Really simple. In fact, I blog via phone most of the time! 

I have learned to love this blogging thing. I feel the need to update it, every other day. If not daily. 

I just would like to say thank you!!!  You all make me feel so appreciated. 

I take photographs of almost everything. From what I’m eating to what I’m looking at. I ask myself all the time why I don’t pursue photography… Maybe I will. We shall see.
 But anyway, I would like to get personal with you all, and connect more of you would like of course. My Instagram name is mylifeslemons. You all are more than welcome to follow me there and see what I am up to at anytime. 
Thank you again my friends! 


Sometimes, your worst enemy is your own mind. Tricking you into thinking so many things. You start believing it which leads to disappointments. It’s common. Especially when it comes to liking someone. You know, when you start doing things for that person. You go out of your way to please them. You even try to study the person. Try to see what they’re like. From their favorite color to what their favorite movies.And then one day reality slaps you in the face. You find out that person is actually not into you. You were all in this alone all along. Dove head first and all. So now what? Well you’re stuck. You’re probably debating if you should keep on going, meaning try to pursue. Or just give up. 

You want to give up but you also want to be happy. And pursuing seem easier and a shorter way to happiness than to deal with tears now. You don’t see the reason why you should cry yet.

So you keep going. Try to convince yourself  that maybe if you kept going, eventually he will turn around and feel the same. Do the same. 



We cry when we get hurt. It takes a little bit of time to heal. Some people take weeks, months or even years to get over something that broke them. It will take a whole lot of effort to pick up the pieces and glue yourself back together. This is just one of the few consequences of letting your guards down. 

You’ll feel like there’s nothing left for you. Because you’ve given your everything, it’s hard to picture a tomorrow without that missing piece. It will feel like that for a while. Some people get over it, some just get used to it. It’s a matter of how you deal with it to still function or how you want people to see you. 

Fake it til you make it. When you walk around making it obvious that you’ve been hurt, people will ask. People ask either because they’re concerned, but really some people ask just because they’re nosy. Which is true 80% of the time. So sometimes, putting a front, smiling your way to recovery helps a lot. It helps trick your mind that you’re happy. People will stop asking, and the more you don’t talk about what broke you, the faster you heal. 

You will not heal by going back to what broke you.  After getting hurt, you do your best to glue yourself back in place. You do things you’ve never done before and you start to venture outside your comfort zone for the sake of your own sanity and recovery. Hoping there’s really something out there for you and start to believe it. It took you so much to get where you are and then one day, all that is threathened by a knock from the past. It’s a disaster in disguise. Some people won’t see it coming and they get sucked back in. Just like that. But a few will learn what the differences between what’s better and what’s not. Hopefully, you choose not to get drowned like before. 

Everyday is a challenge. But knowing you’re getting yourself back should be more than enough of a motivation. Because you belong to you first and you deserve yourself before someone else. 


I have only been around for twenty two years and I know I have learned quiet a decent amount of wisdom and lessons. One of those is the fact that hearts do not break even. Everybody wants closure right? When it comes to separation especially. Good or bad. Closure is one of the things that people do not really get a lot when going through a break up. That’s why a lot of us hang on for too long. We wait around. Still hopeful. 

Someone could break your heart today, and then move on tomorrow like nothing ever happened to them, while you’re in bed crying your heart out and over thinking about what you could’ve done differently. 

So, what do we do? Well first, you’ve got to admit that things just happen. Sometimes for no reason at all. No justifying or you’ll spend your life questioning every little thing that happens to you. Sometimes, things just happen. So, it’s possible  that he just woke up and realized he didn’t want to be with you? Yes. Oh yes. So.. Take that as your closure and go. Run while you can. 

Take a good look at yourself. After that, ask yourself if you’re proud of how you are, or pay attention to every little details of your face. Pamper yourself. You’ve given your best. You don not deserve by less than that. 

Chin up and look forward. Doesn’t mean jump into another person. Breathe in and out. Run. Take care of yourself. Sooner or later, you’ll meet the one who will treat you how you want to be treated. 

Do not settle for less just because you’re scared to be alone. The best is worth the wait. Keep your standards high. You won’t be alone forever. Use this time to reflect and appreciate yourself. 


How much should a wedding ring cost? Well. If you ask me, I say more than thousands. More than millions. It is almost out of reach. But the beauty of it is that only two people can know. People are out here, especially the celebrities. Not that I am hating, but I really think money divert people’s attention from what truly matters. 

Wedding rings, engagement rings or promise rings aren’t just metal that hugs around your fourth finger. It’s a promise that money can never afford. When you see a ring, when someone presents you the ring. Pay attention to the person, and not so much at how much or how big the stone is. It’s a reminder. That’s all. 


Wake up. I mean get out of bed. Wash your face and eat something without forcing it out. Put in your running shoes maybe. Go for a run. You don’t have to have a destination.  Stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about what could’ve been. I hate to be that person but, move on. Start the process at least. Look at yourself. You look hideous. Stop playing victim. Take charge. Take care of yourself. It’s all you now.