Sometimes, your worst enemy is your own mind. Tricking you into thinking so many things. You start believing it which leads to disappointments. It’s common. Especially when it comes to liking someone. You know, when you start doing things for that person. You go out of your way to please them. You even try to study the person. Try to see what they’re like. From their favorite color to what their favorite movies.And then one day reality slaps you in the face. You find out that person is actually not into you. You were all in this alone all along. Dove head first and all. So now what? Well you’re stuck. You’re probably debating if you should keep on going, meaning try to pursue. Or just give up. 

You want to give up but you also want to be happy. And pursuing seem easier and a shorter way to happiness than to deal with tears now. You don’t see the reason why you should cry yet.

So you keep going. Try to convince yourself  that maybe if you kept going, eventually he will turn around and feel the same. Do the same. 


2 thoughts on “MIND TRICKS 

  1. “Sometimes, your worst enemy is your own mind.” AMEN! i wish i had someone telling me that back when i was young and naive. you have the sweetest motivational posts! well done!

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