Hey friends!

You guise have been no more than amazing to me and I want to thank all of you. I’m going for the kill and not beat around the bush. I have decided to create a separate blog for all my personal or lifestyle stuff. You might be wondering why.. It’s because; 

I want to organize my blog. If you check how much I post about my life on this blog, and check how much I post about motivational talks, you’ll notice that it’s very imbalance. 

My other blog will be dedicated to my personal or lifestyle stuff while this one will be strictly on writing, and motivational talks. 

Thank you so much for understanding! 

Please visit and follow my personal blog:

Thank you again friends! 


Sometimes, your worst enemy is your own mind. Tricking you into thinking so many things. You start believing it which leads to disappointments. It’s common. Especially when it comes to liking someone. You know, when you start doing things for that person. You go out of your way to please them. You even try to study the person. Try to see what they’re like. From their favorite color to what their favorite movies.And then one day reality slaps you in the face. You find out that person is actually not into you. You were all in this alone all along. Dove head first and all. So now what? Well you’re stuck. You’re probably debating if you should keep on going, meaning try to pursue. Or just give up. 

You want to give up but you also want to be happy. And pursuing seem easier and a shorter way to happiness than to deal with tears now. You don’t see the reason why you should cry yet.

So you keep going. Try to convince yourself  that maybe if you kept going, eventually he will turn around and feel the same. Do the same. 



Wake up. I mean get out of bed. Wash your face and eat something without forcing it out. Put in your running shoes maybe. Go for a run. You don’t have to have a destination.  Stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about what could’ve been. I hate to be that person but, move on. Start the process at least. Look at yourself. You look hideous. Stop playing victim. Take charge. Take care of yourself. It’s all you now. 


Despite of all the pain you have caused me, doesn’t erased the fact that I still loved you and you still played a very important role in my life. You’ve made me realize things that nobody could have. Because of how I felt towards you, I took things to the extreme. Which should always be the case no matter what it came about. You also taught me the importance of expressing my feelings, and that it’s better to say too much than nothing at all. I could go on and on. I could try to justify how I felt today and now. I could try to convince myself that all the amazing things in the past is just nonsense or that I should probably forget. But I won’t. I think this is great and I think this is part of the process of becoming a better person. I think this is a test. How I handle this will affect the person I will be after I am through with this chapter. I think that everything will make sense later. So I thank you. I thank you for everything. 


Often times many people take their homes for granted. Today I woke up to the smell breakfast. I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon, and then pancakes. I woke up to my mother telling us that breakfast is almost ready. I woke up in warm sheets of blankets. I smiled. And then I thought of the ones who take these things for granted. I thought of the ones who did not wake up to the same scenery that I woke up to this morning. I sympathize them. In hopes that they would realize the value of having a home. And go home. Don’t take it for granted. Or stop taking it for granted. Because not everybody gets to have something to call a home. Not a lot of people feel warm waking up. Not a lot of people gets to eat breakfast. 


There is so much I want to say to you, but I am afraid of what you will say back. They always say never hold back, and how it’s better to say too much and all, but I am the kind of person who do not ask questions when I’m unsure if the answer is only going to hurt me. Yeah. I don’t like to take risks when it comes to my own emotions, but yet I’m so quick to tell people “don’t hold back. “. Why do I do that? I have no idea. But maybe because I like to pretend I’m strong. It makes me feel like if I gave an advice especially a ballsy one, I would convince myself that it’s easy. Maybe because I want to cover up the fact that I am the one who stay up all night feeling sorry for myself because I can’t figure out what I should do to with myself with all these questions on mind. They haunt me. But I am not sure if I prefer that over the truth. I’m not ready.