Hello guise!! 

Words cannot explain how much this blog means to me. It is one of my thoughts’ outlets. I started a blog originally for a personal diary of thoughts. No filters and everything. In fact, I did not even expect people to notice but then there you guys are! It makes me really happy to see that people actually read my posts.

Of course, the dream of becoming one of the famous bloggers were in mind but I know I am far from that. I simply want to talk away. Almost without thinking of what I’m writing. Kind of like just having a conversation with myself. When I saw you guise comment on my stuff, it really makes my day. It’s like realizing I’m not really too much of a loser as I thought I was. Haha. 

I know. My post are very very casual. Like texting almost. And this is how I want it to be. Really simple. In fact, I blog via phone most of the time! 

I have learned to love this blogging thing. I feel the need to update it, every other day. If not daily. 

I just would like to say thank you!!!  You all make me feel so appreciated. 

I take photographs of almost everything. From what I’m eating to what I’m looking at. I ask myself all the time why I don’t pursue photography… Maybe I will. We shall see.
 But anyway, I would like to get personal with you all, and connect more of you would like of course. My Instagram name is mylifeslemons. You all are more than welcome to follow me there and see what I am up to at anytime. 
Thank you again my friends! 


Hello everyone. Oh how I have missed blog bombing your feed. Here’s why I have been M.I.A  on and off; 

Officially a month old last September 6th you guise! Oh how time flies. I remember complaining about how heavy my body felt just a month and a half ago. 


I have been obsessed with taking pictures of my little one. It’s 6 am and I’m up. Wondering why I haven’t thought of sharing all of it. 

Well well. Here I am. 

I guess this is to let you all know that I’ll be blog bombing again soon! I missed you all! 


Guess what! I’m still blonde!  

I am usually undecisive. I go blonde one day and then a week later, I start missing my black hair. But for some weird reason, I’m still in love with this color and thinking of keeping it for a long time. 

Look, I even have outgrown roots! 

Now since I have never gotten this far with blonde hair, I have about 1/4 of an inch dark roots. I am wondering when the perfect time to do a root touch up. Any answers for me? 


Hello guise! I hope all of you are having a great day. I thought to give you an update of what’s been going on in my personal life lately. But before that, I would like to thank you again for showing your nonstop support through likes and follows! Much much appreciated! 

Yes! I went completely blonde. It took a lot of patience to get to where my hair is now. A lot of conditioning and hydrating masks. Also, making homemade hair toners so that I don’t have to use as much peroxide on my own hair. Thanks to the Internet. Will be posting about the toner soon since I am still experimenting. I have been obsessed with selfies lately. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, you can check my selfies out at spoiledchats on IG and be my friend! 

Book of the week still. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. I have been dragging my butt from finishing this book, but my aim is to finish it by the end of the week since I just purchased two more books to read. I am also open to any suggestions about what to read. Just to give you an idea of what I like to read, I like suspense, mystery or WWII love stories. 

I know I have mentioned in the past that my husband was on a hunt for a good inside plant for more oxygen for the baby. He settled on this. It’s lily. He waters it every other day and I am actually surprise that he has not neglected it. So proud of him!

And finally, today I assembled Kostandin’s bassinet. It is so cute!!!! I can say I am about done being pregnant. I am ready to meet him and hold him. Wish me luck you guise. I have two more weeks!